families in order for them to become more self-sufficient and overcome poverty.
About CSBG (Community Services Block Grant Program)
The Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) provides extensive case management services to low-income families in order for them to become more self-sufficient and overcome poverty. The program seeks to ensure that its participants work towards the goal of bettering themselves so that they become productive citizens of the workforce and are able to seek and obtain employment. The program also teaches its participants how to build character as well as money management through budgeting workshops and sessions.
The Self Sufficiency Project
The core of the project is based on the concept that stabilizing families for the long term, not just meeting immediate needs, is essential for reducing poverty. The most effective and efficient way to provides services to low-income people is through coordinated and consolidated efforts of all the resources available: human services agencies, religious institutions, schools, businesses, and government agencies. Job training, education, and counseling are among the available intermediate an long-term strategies. Participants in the program must be 18 years of age or older.
How to Apply
To apply for the CSBG Program, please click on the button below to open a downloadable PDF. Save the PDF to your device, open with Adobe Acrobat, and fill in your information. Save the document with the changes you made and email your completed application to Kristopher Coffield CSBG Program Assistant III kcoffield@greenelamp.org.
HHS Poverty Guidelines at 125% for Standard CSBG
Listed below are the HHS poverty income guidelines as published in the Federal
Register. These guidelines are to be used in determining income eligibility for the CSBG
funding for services for FY 2024-25 effective July 1, 2024.

Scan or press and hold the QR Code to view our
CSBG Self-Sufficiency Brochure