50 Years Moving Forward
9/11 Day of Service & Rememberance
Make a Change Within the Community
Our Goal is to Support Our Future Generations and Communities, Good Times or Bad Times, Greene Lamp Will Always Be There To Support!
Counties We Serve:
- Beaufort
- Craven
- Duplin
- Edgecombe
- Greene
- Lenoir
- Pitt
- Sampson
- Wayne
- Wilson
Our Goals
Greene Lamp is committed “to be the leading Community Action Agency equipped to create positive change in the community”.
Our Mission
Greene Lamp is “dedicated to providing services to the citizens of Eastern, NC with an emphasis on achieving self-sufficiency”.
What We Do
Greene Lamp obtains grant funds in order to provide local services and activities that will have a major impact on the causes of poverty in the community.
ATTENTION Head Start and Early Head Start Parents:
In Need of Extra Practice?
We currently offer daily activities for all of our children. Click ‘Resources’ at the top of the page, scroll down to downloads/links, and continue.
Average Yearly
Success Stories
Success Stories

Promise of
Community Action
Average Associate's Degree's or Higher Accomplished Within Greene Lamp
History of Communication Action
Birth of Community Action
Community Action Program (CAP), which was founded by the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act to fight poverty by empowering the poor as part of the War on Poverty.
Birth of Community Services Block Grant
Under President Reagan Congress authorized the Community Services Block Grant funding (CSBG) by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981
CSBG is administered by the Office of Community Services in the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Frequently Asked Questions
What preschool services are available?
Greene Lamp provides Head Start/Early Head Start services to children ages 12 months to 4 years old. It is a comprehensive child development program serving low-income children and their families in Lenoir and Greene Counties. The program’s major goal is to provide a child development program that will encompass educational, medical, dental, nutritional, mental health, social services, and parent needs, as they relate to the individual child and his/her family and community. Children with special needs are mainstreamed with other children. The Head Start/ Early Head Start projects provide services to children for 6-hour days (8:30 am – 2:30 pm). Call 252-523-7770 for more information.
Does Greene Lamp help families in need with assistance?
Yes, Greene Lamp obtains grant funds in order to provide local services and activities that will have a major impact on the causes of poverty in the community.
What are the income guidelines for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)?
HHS Poverty Guidelines at 125%, for example a family/household of 2 would have an income of $21,138. Family/household of 3 would need an income of $26,663. Add $5,525 for each additional person. For this program, our goal is to make the participant become self sufficient.
As far as being a Foster Grandparent, what are the responsibilities?
As a Foster Grandparent, you’ll help children in your community develop the academic and life skills that are critical to their development and future successes.
For the WIOA Youth program, how can I be qualify?
The Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program is deisgned to assist low- income 16-24 year old, out-of-school youth, seeking assistance in achieving academic and/or employment success.
Do you provide services for children with disabilities or special needs?
Yes, Greene Lamp is mandated to serve at least 10% of enrolled children with disabilities and special needs. For more information, call 252-523-7770.
"I have learned that learning does not stop with the school bell."
-Head Start Parent
"I love what Greene Lamp is and for what it does for people and communities."
Sandra Vielma
For True Success… Ask Yourself these 4 questions:
Why? Why Not? Why Not Me? Why Not Now?
-James Allen